AlayaCare’s App: Quick Review for Nurses

AlayaCare’s App – Quick Review for Nurses

Posted/as of: March 16, 2023

    The following info is based on the latest version of the AlayaCare app currently in use at Milestones in Home Care.

    (Version 2.39.0 on Android’s Play Store = Version 2.40.0 on the Apple App Store)

    These updates include a change to the view of a patient’s chart, including the places nurses need to tap to open a new note, and access information about a patient’s care history through the shift.

Overview of the App

Signing into the app

    Continue to enter your email address and password to sign-into the app.
If you only see a password field, then someone is already logged into the tablet. It could be you, if you’re on a long shift and you’re coming back to update the patients chart. But if you are just starting your shift, then the previous nurse did not logout and you must do so for them. Click the Logout button and continue past the warning sign of possible data loss. (Nurses will not be held responsible for another nurses data loss if the correct signout from the app does not happen.)

Finding your shift

  • Once signed into the app, you will be brought to the current day on the schedule, and you will see any assigned shifts for the current day.
  • Shifts appear in rows, as rectangular blocks that run from edge to edge on the app. Tap/click anywhere along that block to enter the shift (you have not clocked in yet, but you will see the details of the shift, including basic patient information).

Clocking into your shift

    Once you are clicked into your shift, a “CLOCK IN” button appears at the bottom of the screen while a green clock appears in the upper right corner of the app. — Click either button or icon to clock in.

Finding and Opening the Nurses Note

    Tasks for your shift are embedded in the “Care” section of the patient’s app.

    Forms, secondary/recurring Vitals & Medications are all part of Care Delivery

    Tap/click on Forms, then tap/click on Add a Form to see the list of available forms…

    Click on Nurses Note to begin documenting your patient care throughout the shift.
  • ~~ Only select Nurses Note ONCE each shift…
  • ~~ Once a note is started, continue to exit & save it to draft; reopening it for more edits during the shift. Continue this cycle of open&edit, then exit&save/update til the end of your shift… Only submit when your shift is coming to a close.
    Tablets & Android phones: Use the arrow in the upper left corner to step backward through the app.
    If you are editing a note, tapping the arrow will exit the Note and prompt you to save the form as a draft. Later it will prompt you to update the changes, after the first save.

Please report all issues and odd behavior of the app to Paul Nocera & Jayson Flock at Milestones. Click here to email Paul and Jayson from your smart device.