Theme Heading = H2
Standard WordPress paragraph setup for text on a page kinda thingy… below you’ll find more of this paragraph, but there’s also this think we can add in case you want to separate out the rest of a page. This READ MORE thingy captures this text above for page summaries. Otherwise it is absent from showing on the visual page
As for the rest of the paragraph features, there are some text adjustments I can make, apparently per block… but also per string of words making up special text inside the paragraph. You can also add links along the way too. Hitting return creates another paragraph block, which is NOT what I’m doing here :
This GREEN text is the built in drop down of more info … this is the summary… and if you click anywhere on this, you get….
This Indented, BLACK text == >> the <details> of the item in question.. I wish the margin were pushed in from the left, and they are!! So I don’t have to just take what I can get.
this is preformatted text... it appears to be good for distinquishing regular text against this computer coded thing. There is a border around the text and within the border, the background is white (not the beige like background running through the rest of the website.
Now a quote.. indented, but indistinguishable from the other text on the page… Oddly a Paragraph shows “under” the quote block on the edit page. It’s required as the place to actually enter text for the quote.
Pull Quotes look like this. But usually they are longer. Much longer. In any case, on the edit page the have a huge cushion between the text in the pull quote and the other things around it.
Citations look like this.
This is the verse plug... and there doesn't appear to be any major visual adjustment in the editor, but on the page, it works like a pre-formatted text, with a line border and white background ... idk
In the Classic block, it’s the old classic WordPress editor availble for editing text… it seems like the paragraph classic, but that’s coming up next.
Here’s the classic Paragraph… hmmmph.. seems to be the same as the other .
there’s a spacer just above this text, and under the buttons.
Below is the site Tagline… oddly will push throughout the website, but is randomly set here in this document?? that seem odd… but here it comes. (unless that something you set in one doc and add as an element strategically throughout.
Providing high-quality, onsite pediatric nursing care throughout Long Island and Queens.